Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Vindictive Psychopath Infestation

President Bush said "there is plenty to go around."  What does this mean to a raging Vindictive Psychopath? I think that part of the reason why you are mad on my account is because I am infested with at least one Vindictive Psychopath, and I have had to put up with this infestation for years.

Then there are the people who travel the human Para Natural who profess to be healers.  I don't see many if at all of these people in my neck of the woods, yet day after day I have to be on the human Para Natural receiving end of the Vindictive Psychopath.

I guess that putting "I'm infested, Clean Me" on my license plate guard did nothing because there are too many people who don't want me to succeed.  Why?  Because, they all are coddling the Vindictive Psychopath.  Their motive: novel protection.  The result?  A clogged system where people learn not to have a conscience.

Do you get what I'm saying?  No wonder why you are mad!

What's in a Sociopath's toolkit?  I think that a Sociopath hands out Vindictive Psychopath human Para Natural links to people like me like candy.  Their motive: novel protection.  What does that tell you?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What Makes a Mad Scientist a Mad Scientist?

A mad scientist, to me is someone who has given up on advancing the humanities in favor of racing to the finish line.  i.e. being the first person to crack the code, or being the first person to cure something like cancer

A mad scientist is just that.  Mad at the world because people just don't get it.  Scientists can get angry, yet a mad scientist is someone who feels that he or she has gone over the edge because no one understands what it is like to adhere to a strict and stern amount of dedication.

My advise to any mad scientist who is reading this is to turn yourself back before it is too late.  i.e. Put down the anger and let the impossible challenge go.  Eat your breakfast, get some fresh air and exercise.  Take care of yourself and ignore the impossible challenge for a change, and see where doing that will get you.

Just be aware that there are people who understand, and if you talked smack every step of the way and made promises that you will never be able to keep, forgive yourself for being human.  

How I Feel Today at Present

I feel glad knowing that the stubborn and nasty lung infection that I have been trying to get over is finally clearing out.

I also feel content (not in denial) as usual.

I also feel kinda glad to know that I have finally figured out what true motivation is really all about.

P.S. You will get your lab.  Remember, I'm not going to be a bell star about this!