Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Bad Case of EXploratory Paranoia

I see a bunch of people who are too afraid to do anything out in the open.  Why the hide game?  When privacy masquerades a lack of true pride, isn't it time to make changes that matter?  It's pretty bad when people can't work out in the open because they are too prejudice to do the right thing.  What does this translate into?  Who supports this position and why?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

How About this, Bill the Plumber

The human Para Natural has a bad case of little bitch preachers.  That's all they do and get better at is preaching little bitch.  What next, The Gospel of Bitches?  There are way too many little bitch preachers with way too many little bitches in my human Para Natural neck of the woods hanging around.  They need to keep thier little bitches to themselves...

How about it Bill the Plumber?