Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Know Better.....

By the way, I know better than to mess with the inner workings of my mind.  According to my wisdom, that's all I need to be concerned about is the input I give my mind, and the output I get from my mind.  If what I input does not match what my mind outputs, then I know that there are a bunch of ignorant punks in the picture (the human Para Natural) who need to be disciplined.  This is what U.S. D.O.J. is for.  I don't need to put up with mind crimes (human Para Natural little bitch maneuvers), and if U.S. D.O.J. employees wage novel protection instead of doing their jobs, I have something to fix them already in place.  Please take this as an assurance.

I Found a Suitable Blog Lab Subject.....

Good Morning, Mad Scientist

The subject of my Blog Lab is Author Dynamics.

Here is a raw rundown:

1st Groove:
Virtual Mind Mechanics

the human mind concept blended with finance PVIF and/or FVIF.
The result: Virtual Mind Mechanics

2nd Groove:
Word Mechanic Mode

drafting and revision via Rhetorical Expression by using English Production Technique

3rd Groove:
Outfit Mechanic Mode

Virtual Mind-Level Expressions of Image Ideology

My Current Research Question 1:
How do I build a mind-level expression with paragraphs full of words?

My Current Research Question 2:
What word configuration helps a person move from one mind-level expression to the next?

Paul Grant Harper
11:10 AM CST

P.S. I'm keeping this posting nice and generic so you can think about this.......