Puzzle Section A: The Healthy Programmer in Me

This is me, in spite of  the ignorant punks who mess with me.
What do these people accomplish by messing with me from the human Para Natural?  They think that they are establishing novel protection.  What does this all end up as?  This all end's up as Novel Protection Disorder that some people are willing to let grow so they can snap up on it like a dog snaps up scraps from a dinner table.

As you can see, section A is partially devoted to giving you a better picture of the people who mess with me from my point of view  What do you think this does to the healthy programmer in me? 

What is so special about me, you ask?  Nothing is so special about me.  In fact, I have coined a phrase, and I call it "NO DELUSIONAL SUPREMACY."  Why should I call myself supreme when I'm not?  People work to achieve a supreme status, and if they don't earn a supreme status from the results of their work, they are suffering from a case of delusional supremacy because they claim supremacy where none can be claimed.

The Nature of My Activity: Sorry to be so direct about all of this, and that's just for starters.  Take this page entry as an introduction to what I put up with every day.

My Research Question 1: What makes the healthy programmer in me the healthy programmer in me concerning instructing my mind to output the mind of a writer?

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